
Looking for inspirational teaching tips, or handouts from an event that you’ve attended? You’ve come to the right place!

Success Strategies in the Primary ELT Classroom

10 Powerful Ways to Step Up Your Students’ Learning Outcomes

This is a handout full of practical ideas to go with my workshop Success Strategies in the Primary ELT Classroom: 10 Powerful Ways to Step Up Your Students’ Learning Outcomes. I gave it for the first time in February 2014 in Mexico.



Teenage Motivation

This handout was created for a webinar I have given for Cambridge University Press on teenage motivation. There is a recording available on the web.


Critical thinking skills with young learners and teens

5 practical activities

This handout was created for my session on developing critical thinking skills in the foreign language class. It gives you 5 ready-made activities that you can use with your classes. Feel free to adapt to your students¹ language level and other needs.


Bored students? Tap into the brain’s own reward system!

Event handout from Brazil

This is a handout to go with my talk Bored students? Tap into the brain’s own reward system! It discusses why ‘external rewards’ – praise, gold stars, good grades etc. – often achieve the opposite of what we want to achieve, and makes suggestions on how to activate the students’ own intrinsic reward systems.


Developing young learners' speaking skills

More than little parrots...

This is a handout to go with my talk More Than Little Parrots: Developing Young Learners’ Speaking Skills. It’s all about trying to get young learners to talk as themselves rather than saying things by heart.


Motivating Adolescent Students

Teaching teens

Do you agree with Michael Grinder’s dictum that if you can teach teenagers you can teach anyone? This handout looks at the key challenges of motivating teens, and gives practical tips galore.


Checklist for Success with Teens

Teaching teens

Are you a teacher of teens? This checklist might help you to specify areas you might want to explore further, from creating a classroom culture that students want to belong to, to choosing the right content.


Students' attention span - where has it gone?

Teaching tips

This handout goes with my talk Students’ Attention Span – Where has it gone?, and discusses the problem of reduced attention spans and what we can do to help.

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